Fuel & Gas Archives - Guinea Gold Refinery https://goldrefineryguinea.com/tag/fuel-gas/ The Best Gold Refinery In Guinea Wed, 02 Dec 2020 03:50:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://goldrefineryguinea.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/cropped-1ad63939-5cdc-4fc6-8914-6d10fb97b7bd_page-0001-removebg-preview-32x32.png Fuel & Gas Archives - Guinea Gold Refinery https://goldrefineryguinea.com/tag/fuel-gas/ 32 32 238064942 Managing Disruptions: The Digital Twin For Supply Chain https://goldrefineryguinea.com/managing-disruptions-the-digital-twin-for-supply-chain/ https://goldrefineryguinea.com/managing-disruptions-the-digital-twin-for-supply-chain/#respond Wed, 02 Dec 2020 03:50:22 +0000 https://demo.7iquid.com/steeler/?p=344 Captain’s Log. Day eight of quarantine. Work has been busy; I’m grateful for the technology we have to collaborate and continue business during this time. I have walked around the block seven times today. I wonder how many days in a row I can eat frozen jalapeno poppers for lunch before it needs to be addressed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta justo sit amet blandit volutpat. Proin vel lacinia justo. In blandit ultricies risus a porttito...

The post Managing Disruptions: The Digital Twin For Supply Chain appeared first on Guinea Gold Refinery.

Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working from home, while watching your kids (and trying to teach them). You haven’t seen or hugged your loved ones in weeks.
Traditionally, the BWE has been studied in serial supply chains. That is also the setting of the famous beer game, where the typical demand pattern across the supply chain looks like this: for a relatively small change in demand seen by the retailer, the demand variability progressively increases at the more upstream wholesaler, distributor, and factory (see the figure below). This leads to capacity shortages, stockouts, excess inventory, and increased operational costs. No wonder BWE has received a lot of attention among academics and practitioners alike.

It also can help to remind yourself that these catastrophic thoughts aren’t “expressions of facts,” Rajaee said. Rather, they’re “expressions of fear”—our brain’s way of trying to protect us, she said.

For that, we teamed up with Bill Schmidt from Cornell and Jing Wu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and turned to data. First, we had to build a supply network and determine the positions of firms in the network: which firms are more downstream and which are more upstream? In a network that looks like the one on the left, it is not easy. We used the distance to final consumers as a measure of upstreamness.
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What can managers take away from this study?

First, suppliers can use the network of customers to shield from the adverse effects of demand distortion exhibited by downstream customers. A right mix of customers can help smooth out spikes and dips in their order patterns. That, in turn, helps maintain steady utilisation of resources, and give employees predictable schedules.
Maybe even deeper ways. For example, tap into technology by using Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime to virtually play games together, said Sheva Rajaee, MFT, founder of The Center for Anxiety and OCD in Irvine, Calif.Or try these additional connection boosters with your loved ones, which come from Clinton Power:

  1. Watch the same movie at the same time and text about your reactions
  2. Create a shared Spotify playlist and listen together
  3. Read a chapter of the same book every day and talk about it

New York City psychotherapist and coach Kate Crocco, MSW, LCSW, suggested being the first person to reach out. “Often the best medicine for fear and sadness is being there for someone else.”

The post Managing Disruptions: The Digital Twin For Supply Chain appeared first on Guinea Gold Refinery.

https://goldrefineryguinea.com/managing-disruptions-the-digital-twin-for-supply-chain/feed/ 0 344
Create Synergy by Engaging With Higher Education https://goldrefineryguinea.com/create-synergy-by-engaging-with-higher-education/ https://goldrefineryguinea.com/create-synergy-by-engaging-with-higher-education/#respond Mon, 30 Nov 2020 10:58:28 +0000 https://demo.7iquid.com/steeler/?p=23 It’s safe to say that you’re currently spending a lot of time with your spouse in very tight quarters—more time than you’ve spent together in years or ever. You’re both trying to work from home, manage the household, and care for your—getting quite stir-crazy—kids. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta justo sit amet blandit volutpat. Proin vel lacinia justo. In blandit ultricies risus a porttito...

The post Create Synergy by Engaging With Higher Education appeared first on Guinea Gold Refinery.

Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working from home, while watching your kids (and trying to teach them). You haven’t seen or hugged your loved ones in weeks.
Traditionally, the BWE has been studied in serial supply chains. That is also the setting of the famous beer game, where the typical demand pattern across the supply chain looks like this: for a relatively small change in demand seen by the retailer, the demand variability progressively increases at the more upstream wholesaler, distributor, and factory (see the figure below). This leads to capacity shortages, stockouts, excess inventory, and increased operational costs. No wonder BWE has received a lot of attention among academics and practitioners alike.

It also can help to remind yourself that these catastrophic thoughts aren’t “expressions of facts,” Rajaee said. Rather, they’re “expressions of fear”—our brain’s way of trying to protect us, she said.

For that, we teamed up with Bill Schmidt from Cornell and Jing Wu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and turned to data. First, we had to build a supply network and determine the positions of firms in the network: which firms are more downstream and which are more upstream? In a network that looks like the one on the left, it is not easy. We used the distance to final consumers as a measure of upstreamness.
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What can managers take away from this study?

First, suppliers can use the network of customers to shield from the adverse effects of demand distortion exhibited by downstream customers. A right mix of customers can help smooth out spikes and dips in their order patterns. That, in turn, helps maintain steady utilisation of resources, and give employees predictable schedules.
Maybe even deeper ways. For example, tap into technology by using Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime to virtually play games together, said Sheva Rajaee, MFT, founder of The Center for Anxiety and OCD in Irvine, Calif.Or try these additional connection boosters with your loved ones, which come from Clinton Power:

  1. Watch the same movie at the same time and text about your reactions
  2. Create a shared Spotify playlist and listen together
  3. Read a chapter of the same book every day and talk about it

New York City psychotherapist and coach Kate Crocco, MSW, LCSW, suggested being the first person to reach out. “Often the best medicine for fear and sadness is being there for someone else.”

The post Create Synergy by Engaging With Higher Education appeared first on Guinea Gold Refinery.

https://goldrefineryguinea.com/create-synergy-by-engaging-with-higher-education/feed/ 0 23
Supply Chain 4.0: A New Strategic Management System https://goldrefineryguinea.com/supply-chain-4-0-a-new-strategic-management-system/ https://goldrefineryguinea.com/supply-chain-4-0-a-new-strategic-management-system/#respond Thu, 26 Nov 2020 16:24:19 +0000 https://demo.7iquid.com/steeler/?p=382 It is tempting to think that Supply Chain 4.0 consists primarily in implementing a set of disruptive Industry 4.0 technologies. However, to transform from a traditional to a fully digital and interconnected supply chain requires a new way of strategic supply chain management. There are four key questions to be answered before initiating...

The post Supply Chain 4.0: A New Strategic Management System appeared first on Guinea Gold Refinery.

Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working from home, while watching your kids (and trying to teach them). You haven’t seen or hugged your loved ones in weeks.
Traditionally, the BWE has been studied in serial supply chains. That is also the setting of the famous beer game, where the typical demand pattern across the supply chain looks like this: for a relatively small change in demand seen by the retailer, the demand variability progressively increases at the more upstream wholesaler, distributor, and factory (see the figure below). This leads to capacity shortages, stockouts, excess inventory, and increased operational costs. No wonder BWE has received a lot of attention among academics and practitioners alike.

It also can help to remind yourself that these catastrophic thoughts aren’t “expressions of facts,” Rajaee said. Rather, they’re “expressions of fear”—our brain’s way of trying to protect us, she said.

For that, we teamed up with Bill Schmidt from Cornell and Jing Wu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and turned to data. First, we had to build a supply network and determine the positions of firms in the network: which firms are more downstream and which are more upstream? In a network that looks like the one on the left, it is not easy. We used the distance to final consumers as a measure of upstreamness.
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What can managers take away from this study?

First, suppliers can use the network of customers to shield from the adverse effects of demand distortion exhibited by downstream customers. A right mix of customers can help smooth out spikes and dips in their order patterns. That, in turn, helps maintain steady utilisation of resources, and give employees predictable schedules.
Maybe even deeper ways. For example, tap into technology by using Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime to virtually play games together, said Sheva Rajaee, MFT, founder of The Center for Anxiety and OCD in Irvine, Calif.Or try these additional connection boosters with your loved ones, which come from Clinton Power:

  1. Watch the same movie at the same time and text about your reactions
  2. Create a shared Spotify playlist and listen together
  3. Read a chapter of the same book every day and talk about it

New York City psychotherapist and coach Kate Crocco, MSW, LCSW, suggested being the first person to reach out. “Often the best medicine for fear and sadness is being there for someone else.”

The post Supply Chain 4.0: A New Strategic Management System appeared first on Guinea Gold Refinery.

https://goldrefineryguinea.com/supply-chain-4-0-a-new-strategic-management-system/feed/ 0 382